Sunday, September 23, 2007

Guilty posting

Haven't posted for ages, here are a few links of stuff I'm into at the moment.

Dandelion Radio
Internet radio station dedicated to keeping the spirit of Peel alive and now officially home to the festive fifty - get voting... (especially Brian and Steve's radiodubster show)

Edwyn Collins
Have recently got the new Edwyn album "Home Again" and very good it is too. Glad to see he is continuing to make a good recovery after his cerebral hemorrhage of 2005. There is even talk of him working towards a tour.

"The more guitars I have, the better I will play" as Nickie points out regularly this not in fact true, it must be worth a try ...
Yamaha SA2200

Tall Pony
"You will not eat crisps or chocolate ... I'm your boyfriend now"
Tall Pony on MySpace