I first read this article in the METRO on the bus last week but have subsequently seen an article about it on the BBC site an feel that I need to add my ill-informed tupenceworth.
Esentially the article is about research carried out by Professor Adrian North from my old employer - Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, his research suggests that...
Esentially the article is about research carried out by Professor Adrian North from my old employer - Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, his research suggests that...
Musical tastes and personality type are closely related, according to a study of more than 36,000 people from around the world.Now, I haven't read the research in any detail but it seems from the BBC's potted version of the research that music fans of all genres (with the exception of Rap and Country!) are "creative". I'm sure there must be a bit more to it all than that...